16 avril 2007

Les grands esprits se rencontrent... au Mexique

Tiens, on vient de me signaler que R.E. Howard évoquait lui aussi Teotihuacan (lieu où se déroule mon roman de fantasy historique "Les Songes de Tulà"), dans l'une de ses lettres publiées dans le courrier des lecteurs de "Weird Tales", publiée dans le numéro de janvier 1931 :

"I was particularly fascinated by the poem by Alice l'Anson in the latest issue", writes Robert E. Howard from his home in Texas. "The writer must surely live in Mexico, for I believe that only one familiar with that ancient land could so reflect the slumbering soul of prehistoric Aztec-land as she has done. There is a difference in a poem written on some subject by one afar off and a poem written on the same subject by one familiar with the very heart of that subject. I have put it very clumsily, but Teotihuacan breathes the cultural essence, spirit and soul of Mexico." [Mr Howard is right: Alice l'Anson, author of the poem Teotihuacan, lives in Mexico City. - The Editors. ]

merci à mon ami Fabrice Tortey, et à Rusty Burke, éminents spécialistes de REH, pour les documents et l'info.

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